Grad News

Round 4 Meat Sales

This round of meat sales runs March 18-April 3. Delivery date April 10 or 12.


Order Form

Orders must be submitted on or before the due date.


Meat Sales Information and Dates


Grad Parent Meeting

When: Monday, December 4

Where: In our school's library

Who: Please have atleast one guardian and the graduate attend.

Graduation 2024 Information

Grad Date: May 25th 2024

Banquet:  6:00 pm (invite only)

Ceremony:  8:00 pm

Where: Eckville Jr Sr High School

Meat Sales Dates for the 2023-2024 school year

Meat Sales for Grad 2024


Please pick up forms from the office and return on due dates listed below.


  1. Selling dates: September 25th - October 11th (due date)

Arrival date: October 18th or 19th approximately

  1. Selling dates: November 14th - November 30th (due date)

Arrival date: December 6th or 7th approximately

  1. Selling dates: January 22nd- February 7th (due date)

Arrival date: February 14th or 15th approximately

  1. Selling dates: March 18th - April 3rd (due date)

Arrival date: April 10th or 11th approximately

  1. Selling dates: May 13th - May 30th (due date)

Arrival date: June 5th or 6th approximately


Make sure that all meat forms have the graduate’s name, parent’s cell number and the customer’s name & phone number on them.

Cheques should be made payable to Wolf Creek Public Schools.

All money and forms are to be handed into the school office.

Any questions regarding meat sales, please contact Mrs. Thomas   or Mrs. Dennehy




Information is shared with the students and we will be updating this space.

Also check out our Career Corner/Scholarships.

Thank you