
What is the purpose of Work Day?: The funds collected from every Work Day employer goes towards our Renaissance budget. Renaissance funds all the prizes, fun days, pizza parties etc. our school has. Plus Renaissance now boosts our student support program. If a student does not participate in Work Day they are excluded from the rewards of Renaissance. Fall 2023 we also started to use Work Day to fund our Student Support Program - this allows students at away tournaments to access food, also supports students to help pay for field trips etc. $10 from every work day fee goes towards the Student Support Program.

Not handing in a Work Day Form: Student is required to come to school because it is a regular school day. The Work Day Form is to excuse all students who have a Work Day placement and so we know where the student is for the day.

No Form & student didn't come to school: Student will be marked as absent, the Work Day Form is to excuse all students who have a Work Day placement and so we know where the student is for the day.

Form has been handed in: Student is excused and we know where the student is for the day. $60 is expected to be paid shortly after Work Day. After payment is received the student will be included in all Renaissance rewards until (whichever is next) the Spring Work Day or end of school year.

Payment not received: EHS hasn't received $60 from employer on the students' form. Student will be excluded in rewards of Renaissance until the $60 is paid. It is the Students' responsibility to remind employer if necessary. 

Does Work Day count as a Day 1 or 2?: Yes. If Work Day falls on a Day 1, the following day will be a Day 2.